
Becoming a model will have its high points and low points but don´t be discouraged. It will take more than looks, it’s a process, a long road to success that takes hard work and commitment. Into Modeling will help you learn how to adapt your approach, build a professional portfolio and promote yourself to modeling agencies. To sign a contract with a modeling agency you will need advice and answers to modeling and beauty questions you may have; Into Modeling can help you with this. The most important thing to bare in mind is to be realistic and to understand what type of modeling you would be best suited for.


You need to have the right attitude to be a model. This includes three key ingredients: patience, discipline and self-confidence. There is no point having one without the other two. You’ll need all three in equal measure.

Your Rights

A model will be confronted with difficult situations in their career when it comes to chasing their images, getting paid for a job or even dealing with sexual harassment. It is important to understand your rights as a model in order to know where you stand when certain situations come up. Below are a few tips to ensure you are always protected:

Safety Tips

The world of modeling is big and varied, with different areas appearing all the time. We have prepared these tips to ensure that you stay as safe as possible when pursuing your modeling career:

  • Do not engage with companies with no address or contact number
  • Do not engage with companies who hide behind a PO Box address
  • A good model is a smart model – use your common sense and don’t be afraid to say NO

Freelance Modelling

When a model does not have a modeling agency to represent and manage them, they are Freelance models. A freelance model will market his or herself in the industry and find modeling work by their own means. Many freelance models work as part time models to earn a second income.

Marketing yourself has never been easier since complete access to the internet and social networking sites became available to you. A freelance model can get their own work through modeling communities, networking events and contacting companies and clients directly. Having full control of their earnings and career is an advantage many models have chosen as a result of getting work without the aid of agencies. As a freelance or part-time model, you do not have a model agent to keep a list of contacts for you so, it is very important that you do so yourself. Keeping in touch with the photographers and other industry creatives that you work with on each shoot or at each event is the key to building a portfolio of contacts. 

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