About Us

About Us

Making it in the model industry is not easy, but with the right advice and guidance, your chances of success are much higher. Into Modeling offers assistance to help you identify if you are suitable for any area and how to best approach it. We also help you put together the right portfolio. In our services section you can find the three routes into modeling we offer. We will choose one for you after we determine your needs and potential.

No matter what, you will need to determine if modeling is for you. You will have to address issues such as if you have the look, if you are you confident in front of the camera, if you photogenic, etc. We will help you answer these questions, and determine what areas of modeling you are eligible for, so as to then be able to market yourself to the industry.

Into Modeling has an enormous amount of experience and expertise in the area although it is not an agency as we do not find models work. Our professionals work so that you have the best possible experience in kick starting your modeling career.


It is very arduous to attain a place in the modeling industry because of its fierce nature.

Aspiring candidates usually approach Into Modeling with questions about who to go to and what to ask them, whether they need or not a portfolio and if they possess the necessary conditions to pursue a career in modeling. Their aim is to work as a professional model, either reelance or by means of an agency. To avoid taking any wrong turns in this journey, it is of upmost importance to certify if there is potential to become a model and what it may consist of.  You may find the most popular types of modeling below.

Our Services

After assessing you, we will suggest which of our services we offer is best for you. As we are a Model Support Service, and not an agency, we shall not find you paid work as a model. We will however make sure you have the tools to break into the industry including advice but more importantly a portfolio of photographs with which to market yourself. Packages for these at our studio start at $399 however there are packages to suit all budgets and needs.


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